Opening of Wall of Fame at AGA LAB during Open AiR BOUW, Friday 21st of June

The Wall of Fame is a free space for graffiti, and, in the coming weeks, will be transformed into a true ‘art wall’ with murals by Zedz, Peim, Marnix Postma and Iris Box. At AGA LAB you can get your hands dirty with Zedz in a Screen printing/jam session. Zedz invites visitors to fully celebrate the surprises and jazzy little accidents in the creative process during an open walk-in and walk-through workshop.

Zedz uses the screen printing technique to make studies for his more monumental work in the public space, he plays with the medium, makes layered compositions in which organized chance plays a major role.

Zedz (1971), Gerrit Rietveld Academie 1998, is an active graffiti and street artist. Active in the international scene he makes large monumental geometric and abstract paintings in public space.

The workshop is free to all and just requires a great mood!

Continuous walk-in workshop between 5 p.m. and 9 p.m., interruption from 5:30 p.m. to 6 p.m.

The workshop celebrates “AGA LAB prints 60 years” and is part of the program.




