Artist in Residence and Artist Without a Room program
The Artist in Residence (AiR) program of AGA LAB offers a special context for research, experimenting and the development of new work: a very wide range of printing techniques, technical expertise, a spacious gym as a workplace, exchange with (inter)national colleagues, the non-toxic method, an urban agricultural garden with ink plants and many creative neighbours.
The mission within the AiR program: AGA LAB stimulates research and experimentation in the field of ink, colour and image carriers, as well as crossovers between other disciplines materials and techniques.
Both national and international artists and designers can register for the Artist in Residence program. AGA LAB regularly invites artists with a specific research proposal. Artists, designers and photographers are also encouraged to submit a project proposal to AGA LAB themselves. The two AiR guest rooms are located in the artist’s space Broedplaats BOUW, where the studio is also located.
As an AiR, you have 24 hours access to the workplace as well as access to the joint AGA LAB kitchen.
The costs* per month in 2025 are:
- € 1.550,– for the large room (30 m², see pictures below);
- € 1.350,– for the small room (20 m² , see pictures below);
- € 750,– for a duo residency without a room;
- € 500,– for a residency without a room.
*Cost of materials are not included in the price of the residency and should be covered by the artist.
Download the registration form for an AiR program here and send it to When you sign up, your name and portfolio will be added to our list of candidates assessed by our AiR support team. The assessment committee meets every three months: January 15, April 15, July 15 and October 15.
For more information send an email to or call 020-6252186.

Artists in Residence
Alastair Keady | Ireland
Hanni Angerman | UK / France
Séverine Bascouert | France
Caroline Bijl | The Netherlands
Ognjen Gligorijevic | Serbia
Edwin Janssen | The Netherlands
Marieke van Rooij & Domenico Mangano I The Netherlands
Alba Paramo | Mexico
Veera Komulainen | Finland
Sterre Pomper | The Netherlands
Madeleine Mayo | Canada
Jung Yeon Kim | South Korea
Suffi Bilal Khalid I Pakistan
Chantal Ariëns | The Netherlands
Nicole Beno | Canada
Willy Looyen I The Netherlands
Nina Elizabeth I Denmark
Ana Ventura I Portugal / Belgium
Hannah Abrahamsson I Sweden
Shut Up CLaudia I Italy
Gannon Murphy I Ireland
Kim Blekkenhorst I The Netherlands
Sadhbh Murphy I Ireland
Maya Brezing I Ireland
Venessa Leissring I Germany
Dané Vonk I The Netherlands
Eric Theise | United States
Tama & Liza Kvantaliani I Georgia
Francis Jonckheere I Belgium
Georgia Green I United Kingdom
Clara Torres I The Netherlands
Nina Djekić I The Netherlands / Slovenia
Olivia Mulready I The Netherlands/Australia
Brian Giles I Ireland
Nancy Poeran I The Netherlands
Aine Mills McCauley I United States
Clara Weldon I Ireland
Clarisa Goodall I Argentina
Yulia Protsyshyn I Ukraine
Daniel Bennett I The Netherlands
Daan Russcher I The Netherlands
Victor Meijer I The Netherlands
Darija Radakovic I Canada
Emma Verhulst I Belgium
Willem Sjoerd van Vliet I The Netherlands
Joseph Hughes I The Netherlands/ UK
Rachel Singel I United States
Dana Slijboom I Canada
Esra Sakir I The Netherlands / Turkey
Linda Zeb Hang I United States
Veera Komulainen I Finland
Farida Sedoc I The Netherlands
Willy Looyen I The Netherlands
Rodolfo Edwards | Chile / US
Judith Collell I Spain
Sandra Hayvel & María José Prenafeta I Chile
Catharina Vergeer I The Netherlands
Ollie Goodson | United Kingdom
Stefanie Haslberger | Germany
Chantal Ariëns | The Netherlands
Georgia Green | United Kingdom
Asia Bey | United States
Alhassan Issah | Ghana
Emily C. Thomas | United States
Stephanie Pau | United Kingdom
Jelly Hogendorp | The Netherlands
James Hensby | United Kingdom
Tim Bruggeman | Belgium
Barbara Miše | Croatia
Trine Hoejmark | Denmark
Tuija Jarvenpäa | Finland
Benjamin Monteil | Belgium
Sofia Paravicini |Italy
Bradley Hamlin| United Kingdom
Britt Dorenbosh | The Netherlands
Vivian Mac Gillavry | The Netherlands
Marina Dykukha | Ukraine
Dominica Harrison | Italy
Leo Martin | Spain
Jacob Brody | United States
Jennifer Schmidt | United States
Alba Páramo | Mexico
Hazul | Portugal
Natasha Lubis | Indonesia
Hobie Minnebreuker | The Netherlands
Yulia Protsyshyn | Ukraine
Petru Ciocoiu | The Netherlands / Romania
Joshua Unikel | United States
Marieke van Doorn | The Netherlands
Oona Hyland | Ireland
Alicja Biala | Poland
Meabh Joyce | Ireland
Tink Munro | United Kingdom
Janek Koza | Poland
Zindzi Zwietering | The Netherlands
Natisa Jones | The Netherlands
Diana Scherer | The Netherlands
Alba Paramo | Mexico
Jessie Yingying Gong | China
Farida Sedoc | The Netherlands
Scott Ludwig | United States
Laura Grimm | The Netherlands
Mariana Vidal-Escabi | United States
Ursula Mur | Peru
Tamuna Chabashvili | Georgia
Chantal Elisabeth Ariëns | The Netherlands
Nicole Beno | Canada
Kacie Lees | United States
Aurélie Sorriaux | France
Riette Wanders | The Netherlands
Jaclyne Ling Chin | United Kingdom
Janine Schranz | Austria
Erna Basten | The Netherlands
Kirsty Nicoll | Scotland
Paula Menchen | Spain
Robert Black | United States
Yvonne Strang | The Netherlands
Lieke van Kalken | The Netherlands
Tim Bruggeman | Belgium
Vasundhara Pachisia | Verenigde Staten
Rodolfo Edwards | Verenigde Staten
Ayala Netzer | Israël
Christina Simon | Duitsland
Zedz| Nederland
Eppark | Zuid-Korea
Alicja Biala | Polen
April Gertler | Verenigde Staten
Ruth Marbun | Indonesië
Margré Steensma / Mondriaan Atelier | Nederland
Enrique Arce Gutierrez / Mondriaan Atelier | Mexico
Oona Hyland | Ierland
Steengracht / Ballan | Nederland
Monica Ragazzini | Nederland
Wim van Broekhoven | Nederland
Art van Triest | Nederland
Chantal Elisabeth Ariëns | Nederland
Valerio Cerasani | Italië
Marnix Postma | Nederland
Day Collective : Dorota Radzimirska and Yulia Ratman| Tsjechië
Tjitske Oosterholt | Nederland
Inge Schoutsen | Nederland
Jude Peacock | Verenigd Koninkrijk
Farida Sedoc | Nederland
Barbara Collé | Nederland
Peim van der Sloot | Nederland
Mélanie Corre | Nederland
Ezequiel Melero | Argentinië
Dewi Elsinga | Nederland
Anika Schwarzlose | Duitsland
Janine van Oene | Nederland
Yusuke Mimasu | Japan
Silvia Gardini | Nederland
Rachelle Meyer | USA
April Gertler | USA / Duitsland
Mark Tippeman | Duitsland
Nick Mahshie | USA
Roosje Verschroor | Nederland
Didi Lehnhausen | Duitsland
Admire Kamudz |
Marcio Pontes | Brazilië
Michael Dal Cerro | USA
Jarmo Koponen | USA / Finland
Niek Peters | Nederland
Marcio Pontes | Brazilië
Inge Schoutsen | Nederland
Asahi Sugai | Japan
Emma Verhulst | België
Leigh Bridges | Canada
Nate Harris | USA
Yvon Ariese | Nederland
Yuen Ling Chiu | Canada / Verenigd Koninkrijk
Mila Balzhieva | Rusland
Glen Lasio | USA / Italië
Skye Phillips | Verenigd Koninkrijk
Passion Dzenga | Verenigd Koninkrijk
Thierry Oussou | Benin
Stella Murphy | Verenigd Koninkrijk
Laura Meseguer | Spanje
Olga Karyakina | Rusland
Lian Ng | USA
Amanda Season Keeley | USA
Jordan Ann Craig | USA
Robert Fraher | USA
Vadim Gershman | USA
Alina Tang | Australië
Bodie H. | Australië
Alexandra Hedberg | Zweden
Maja Gajic | Servië
Yasuyoshi Botan & Hirokichi | Japan
Judith Westerveld | Zuid-Afrika/Nederland
Pascaline Knight | Canada
Zedz | Nederland
Eva Pel | Nederland
Claudia Doms | Duitsland
Dani Andree | Australië
Inge Schoutsen | Nederland
Dorine Camps | Nederland
Dani Lola Eveleigh | Verenigd Koninkrijk
Susumu Matsuura | Japan
Hage Mukwendje | Namibië
Louise Captein | Nederland/USA
Atta Kwami | Ghana
Pamela Clarkson | Verenigd Koninkrijk
Natalia Kozhukhovskaya | Rusland
Shawky Ezzat | Egypte/Nederland
Esmat Dawestashy | Egypte/Nederland
Rosario Vasquez Mira | Chili
Julie Wolfe | USA
Ausma Šmite | Latvia
Marnix Postma | Nederland
Deimion “Peim” van der Sloot | Nederland
Merritt Cates | USA
Valeria Kozukhova | Rusland
Jill Smith | Canada
Michal Kruger | Zuid-Afrika
Marelise van Wyk | Zuid-Afrika
Andrej Šteffek | Slowakije
Ronald van der Voet | Italië / Nederland
Skye Philips | Verenigd Koninkrijk
Passion Dzenga | United Kingdom
Pablo Rugiero | Argentinië
Marcel van den Berg | Nederland
Rogério Borovik | Brazilië
Kama Jackowska | Polen
Luz Cubas | Argentinië
Yasmine Louis | Canada
Scott Ludwig | USA
Paula Andrade | Argentinië
Louise Captein | Nederland/USA
Ausma Šmite | Letland
Debra Solomon | USA/Nederland
Marnix Postma |Nederland
Oksana Stratiichuk | Oekraïne
Malissa Cañez Sabus | USA
Christian Montoro | USA
Sarah Klein | USA
Kaleb de Groot | Nederland
Olga Ghanza | Rusland
Kiki Yamamoto | Brazilië
Lee Ji Yen | Korea
Olga Karyakina | Rusland
Tina Carlisi | Canada
Scott Reavy | Verenigd Koninkrijk
Yoshiko Shimano | Japan
Mary Hood | USA
Lydia Burgess | Verenigd Koninkrijk
Scott Ludwig | USA
Matti Baine | USA
Robin Ellis | Verenigd Koninkrijk/Finland
Koen Taselaar | Nederland
Thomas Trum | Nederland
Oksana Stratiichuk | Oekraïne
Ursula Cheng | Verenigd Koninkrijk
Kama Jackowska | Polen
Konstantinos Papamichalopoulos | Griekenland
Katsu Yuasa | Japan
Annyen Lam | Canada
Anna Hilti | Liechtenstein
Teo Cid González | Spanje
Ronald van der Voet | Nederland
Marnix Postma | Nederland
Kateryna Svirgunenko | Oekraïne
Denis Yilmaz | Duitsland
Koen Taselaar | Nederland
Oksana Stratiichuk | Oekraïne
Linda Elviira Linko | Finland
Scott Groeninger | USA
Thóra Sigurdardóttir | IJsland
Birgitta de Vos | Nederland
Kama Jackowska | Polen
Olga Karyakina | Rusland
Katja Svirgunenko | Oekraïne
Farida Sedoc | Nederland
Miriam Salamander | Duitsland
Yumemi Kobayashi | Japan
Andro Banovac | Kroatië
Ramon Tejada | USA
Kathy Boyle | Nieuw Zeeland
Beth Charles | Nieuw Zeeland
Laura Calloni | Italië
Kimberley Edgar | Canada
Koen Taselaar | Nederland
Nathan Turner
Scott Ludwig | USA
Chris Swart | Zuid-Afrika
Harald Havsteen-Mikkelsen | Denemarken
Victoria Cody | Ierland
Jana Sasaki | Canada
Axel Linderholm | Zweden
Stian Ådlandsvik | Noorwegen
Leung Ying Chiu | China
Sandra Kennedy | Schotland
Mirka Farabegoli | Nederland
Damla Erten | USA
Julia Blaukopf | USA
Gemma Pauwels | Nederland
Laurence Aegerter | Nederland
Sandro Setola | Nederland
Fahrettin Orenli | Turkije
Jonas Ohlsson | Zweden
Lucas Nkgweng | Zuid-Afrika
Masato NAGA LABi | Japan
Abe Mathabe | Zuid-Afrika
Janna van Hasselt | Nieuw Zeeland
Constanca Aurouca | Portugal
Yang Ah Ham | Korea
Maurice Scheltens | Nederland
Lara de Moor | Nederland
Katrin Korfman | Duitsland
Kaleb de Groot | Nederland
Marielle Buitendijk | Nederland
Liesbeth Abbenes | Nederland
Dick Verdult | Nederland
Aurea Munoz del Amo | Spanje
Lorien Jordan | USA
Esther Jiskoot | Nederland
Gilbert van Drunen | Nederland
Sue Corke | Verenigd Koninkrijk
Nindityo Adipurnomo | Indonesië
Ivonne Zijp | Nederland
Remy Jungerman | Suriname
Bianca de Goes | Brazilië
Atzuo Sakazume | Japan
Catherine Hehir | Ierland
Lisa Couwenbergh | Nederland
Armando Sobral | Brazilië
Eko Nugroho | Indonesië
Ernesto Bonato | Brazilië
Jan Rothuizen | Nederland
Kurt Nahar | Suriname
Marten Hendriks | Nederland
FX Harsono | Indonesië
Marieke Bolhuis | Nederland