Category: Uncategorized

  • AGA LAB closed during the holidays!

    AGA LAB will be closing its doors from the 23rd of December 2019 till the 5th of January 2020. We wish everyone a merry Christmas and happy new year!

  • AIR Expo Yusuke Mimasu

    THU. 25.04.2019 – 5 PM.   mirror/colorWhat is the color of the mirror that reflects everything?This work contrasting mirror with color does not provide any logical answer for the question ‘What is the color of mirror that can reflect everything?’, but focuses on mysterious attraction of the question itself. It seeks more primitive aspect appealing…

  • Cmd P for 2079, a futuristic journey through the world of print

    Cmd P for 2079, a futuristic journey through the world of print Exhibition at the Allard Pierson: 3 November 2019 – 19 January 2020 Artists: Åbäke (UK), Karin Ferrari (AT / IT), Emre Hüner (TR / NL), ooooo (*) What will printed artwork look like in 2079? Will it still exist or will the digital…

  • ANR Places Available: Apply now!

    Still places available! If you like working after regular business hours, preferably alone and when it’s dark out, or at the break of dawn just before the birds start their chirping routine. Then don’t hesitate to sign up to be an Artist in Residence Without a Room (AnR), and gain full access to our studio!…

  • Last minute call AIR 2019

    Due to a cancellation, we still have a room available for September and October 2019! This is a last-minute call for anyone interested in our Artist in Residence program! If you like to pull all-nighters finishing that project or like to work for 14 hours straight without interruption? Then don’t hesitate to sign up to…

  • Open CALL for Artists on Industrial Heritage

    The Artistic Research Residency Program Iran-Europe invites Iranian and European artists to present a project on the potential re-valuation, re-viewing, and re-activation of a given industrial heritage site by shedding new light on it, defining innovative roles and functions for today and for tomorrow and linking its historical background with possible new roles and functions in the…

  • Lino workshop during the special Summer School of the UvA “the History of the Book”

    There are still a few places left! Create your own artwork in letterpress with color and new media. Design and print your own book illustration with a lino print and relief printing/laser cut plate in the AGA LAB studio. A workshop to roll up your sleeves and get your hands dirty; you start by cutting…

  • The artists meeting, witnessing the process of ‘Cmd P for 2079’

    Artist meeting of ‘Cmd P for 2079’, a cooperation project of -AGA LAB prints 60 years-, Allard Pierson, Frans Masereel Centrum and curator Sofie Dederen Wednesday 10 July, 7 – 9pm At AGA LAB, De Roos van Dekamaweg 7 Artists: Abake (UK), Emre Huner (TR/NL), Karin Ferrari (AT/IT), ooooo* Curator Allard Pierson: Hans Mulder Curator/moderator:…

  • Call for working periods ‘Binnenlandatelier’ at AGA LAB and STEIM

    Call for working periods AGA LAB in collaboration with STEIM, for the Binnenlandatelier Mondriaan Fonds. For the Binnenlandateliers in the period April to July 2020 (a working period of 2 months for 2 artists), AGA LAB collaborates with STEIM; they jointly open their facilities and make their expertise available. The goal of the collaboration is…

  • CMD P FOR 2079

    A futuristic journey through the world of print   What will the printed artwork look like in 2079? Will it still exist or has the digital world permanently repressed tactile media? For the exhibition Cmd P for 2079, AGA LAB and curator Sofie Dederen selected four international artists who are researching print and speculating on…