Categorie: Geen Categorie

  • Volunteers wanted

    We are looking for new volunteers! Do you get excited about colours, paper and printing, and have an extensive knowledge base of printmaking? Then being a part of our printmaking community at our studio in Amsterdam might be the place for you! Send an email with your motivation to

  • Artist@Work – Alba Páramo

    Name: Alba Páramo Profession: visual artist, with a focus on etching and screen printing Background: Alba’s first career choice was ballet dancing, unfortunately this career was short lived. After this she slowly ended up in the art world, partly because she grew up in it and it therefore felt very natural to her. Instagram: @albaparamoart How…

  • Artist@Work – Alba Páramo

    Naam: Alba Páramo Beroep: beeldend kunstenaar, met focus op etsen en zeefdruk Achtergrond: De eerste carrière-keus van Alba was balletdansen, dit was helaas van korte duur. Ze is hierna langzaam in de kunstwereld terecht gekomen, onder andere omdat ze daarin is opgegroeid en dit daarom voor haar heel natuurlijk voelde. Instagram: @albaparamoart Hoe ben je bij…

  • Earth, The Blue Marble – AGA LAB online exhibition #3

    On the occasion of Earth Day (April 22), we have combined two visions of the earth in this exhibition. With these works we zoom in and we zoom out. And above all, we celebrate the earth. We proudly present this online exhibition together with De Bouwput.   The Blue Marble Two months ago we made…


    The new director, Arend-Jan Weijsters, and the new chairman of the board, Haico Beukers, introduce themselves in the video below and explain what the plans are for AGA LAB in the near future.

  • Kennismaking met de nieuwe bestuursvoorzitter en nieuwe directeur

    De nieuwe directeur, Arend-Jan Weijsters, en de nieuwe bestuursvoorzitter, Haico Beukers, stellen zich in de onderstaande video voor en vertellen wat de plannen zijn voor AGA LAB de komende tijd.

  • Our gradient paradise – AGA LAB online exhibition #2

    This weekend we slid from winter into spring and today (March 21) is International Color Day. AGA LAB is therefore opening its second online exhibition today: OUR GRADIENT PARADISE. A series full of steaming smokey colors.   Gradients The works in this exhibition all have a color ramp, a gradient. With a good gradient you…

  • Unlock the heart of the moon – online exhibition

    Tonight is the full moon. Many artists who regularly work in our studio have been inspired by her. We have collected a number of works for you and made an online exhibition of them. Almost all print techniques that AGA LAB provides are covered, including: Toyobo, Riso, screen printing, etching and natural inks. ‘No one…


    We are pleased to announce that, subject to Covid-19 regulations, AGA LAB will open limited from March 2nd. Our workshop is available for a limited number of people per day, including: artist-in-residents, annual card holders, printing on-demand assignments and workshops. As usual, we work by appointment and / or reservation. AGA LAB greatly appreciates the…


    We zijn blij te kunnen vermelden dat, met inachtneming van de Covid-19-voorschriften, AGA LAB vanaf 2 maart beperkt open gaat. Onze werkplaats is voor een gelimiteerd aantal personen per dag beschikbaar met inbegrip van: artist-in-residents, jaarkaarthouders, printing on-demand opdrachten en workshops. We werken zoals gebruikelijk op afspraak en/of reservering. AGA LAB stelt de inspanningen van…